mersie is an artist and musician from Singapore. As an interdisciplinary artist, she uses multiple mediums in her documentation and art creation, such as photography, video, sound, painting, and printmaking. She hopes that through her art, she can help normalize conversations about mental health and the impacts of technology on contemporary society. mersie's current art and research focus on the Contemporary Sublime and Cyanotype as printmaking and painting tools. Her art's foundation emphasizes documentation and drawing experiences of the world directly into her art.
2019 ~ 2024 | Master of Fine Arts, (with Outstanding Dissertation Award), School of Art, Design and Media, Ewha Womans University, South Korea
2012 – 2016 | Bachelor of Fine Arts, Visual Communication, Nanyang Technological University (First Class Honours), Singapore
2007 ~ 2010 | Diploma in Digital Media Design, Animation, Nanyang Polytechnic
2024 | Fragmented Flow, Solo Exhibition, Idea Workspace, Seoul, South Korea
2022 | Pamaran Poskard, Group Exhibition, Ion Arts Gallery, Orchard Ion, Singapore
2021 | EUMC Fair <Merography>, Art Cube @ Ewha Womans University Seoul Hospital, Seoul, Korea
2019 | 1+10+12, Group Exhibition, Garage Gage, Seoul, South Korea
2019 | Wash Away, Solo Exhibition and EP Showcase, Open Fields, Singapore
2015 | Pamaran Poskard, Group Exhibition, Gillman Barracks, Singapore